Voices of Care’s Jackie Irvine episode in the media

Caring Times, one of the social care sector’s foremost publications, features Jackie Irvine CEO of the Care Inspectorate, as she discusses her recent appearance on the Voices of Care podcast with host Suhail Mirza.  

The article highlights key aspects of Jackie and Suhail’s conversation, including the Care Inspectorate’s role in regulating over 11,000 services in Scotland, as well as the importance of better assurance in services, and the government’s vision of high-quality services. Jackie also highlights the need for a diverse workforce and digital transformation.  

Focusing on infants, children, and young people was one of the main subjects covered in the podcast. Irvine talked about The Promise, a programme started by the Independent Care Review that attempts to guarantee that every child has a loving, safe, respected childhood and can reach their full potential.    

Read more of Caring Times’ article about Jackie Irvine’s appearance on the Voices of Care podcast here. To watch the latest Voices of Care episode, click here.   

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